Singapore Game Pte Ltd Apps

Pocket Wukong 1.0.1
中文版下载链接: #1 Strategy Action Card game is taking Southeast Asia bystorm! Experience the innovative TRUE strategy mobile game on thego!Collect your team up to 9 epic heroes and challenge your friendsand other players with your unique formation!Heroes are not standing still any more, but move like a War Chesswith thousands of hero abilities and combination! Enter and enjoythe gorgeous and exciting battles in the world of immortalheroes.Key Features:1 Unparalleled Heroes – There are hundreds of unforgettablecollectable Heroes. Each hero has many unique and strategicabilities, which will be auto released during the real-time battle.There are also special combo features between heroes and exclusiveequipment for each hero to add battle power. This game is easy forany player to pick up, but with its deep strategy mechanics andhero combinations, it takes a true master to conquer theLadder!2 Unique 9-slots Sudoku – The Unique 9-slots Sudoku battle fieldis the most impressive part of game.It’s no longer just a game to compare attribute values or herolevels, your formation and strategy play a significant role to winthe battle.-There are Tank Heroes, DPS Heroes,AOE Heroes,Control Heroes andHealing Heroes with unique abilities and special combofeatures.-Enchant, Froze, Swap, Seal, Return,Turtle,Surrender …there arethousands of hero abilities; battle with related heroes to activemore hero features. Think of your formation to dominate the Ladderad shock everybody. The different combination is the art ofprevailing. But remember, no formation is invincible in thisgame!-Each hero has attack range, you have to arrange them in thesuitable position in 9-slots Sudoku!3 Endless fun - GrandTower, Demon War, Adventure, Rob, CastingMaster, Trial Cave, Maze, Quiz…lots of gameplays are waiting foryou. You can even get MARRIED in game!4 Unparalleled PVP – Fight against other players of your serverin the Ladder, Dual and Union War system. But cooperate and be ateam when Server League occurs!5 Pocket Wukong is free to play, and there is always abundant lootfor players to collect and upgrade their heroes, in addition moreitems can be bought via in-app purchases. All in-game currenciesare collectable for both paying and non-paying users in differentstages and battles, and can be exchanged in different stores in thegame for a variety of exciting items and even heroes.【Pocket Wukong】Official Facebook fanpage (Newbie Gift Pack willbe given!):
全民西游2 - Pocket Wukong中文版 1.0.1
"我的意中人是个盖世英雄,有一天他会踩着七色云彩来娶我,我只猜中了前头,可是我却猜不中这结局……“《PocketWukong-全民西游II》重现经典,快来带着紫霞仙子逆天改命重写爱情。斗战西游,五百年沧海桑田,我们依旧为爱西行!特色系统:天梯元宝免费领;登天塔装备材料免费领;降魔积分兑换传奇仙人;奇遇就是功能百宝箱,主力仙人加属性,装备仙人随意合成,随意重置,想怎么玩就怎么玩,让你任性!【千变万化,无穷尽策略等你来战】:在《全民西游2》的极致策略游戏世界中,系统为玩家提供了多达千种仙人卡牌来供选择使用。作为策略主打牌,这千余种仙人之间存在着千丝万缕的关联。仙人之间的缘分、仙人之间的仇恨,都将对各类战斗起到极致微妙的联系。正如观音永远是如来的小妹、红孩儿永远也不会向孙猴子喊叔叔!【站桩不复存在!战棋用行动演义激情】:《全民西游2》告别无脑卡牌的另一大特色就是战棋玩法!在每一场战斗中,玩家所控制的仙人不再是一味的站桩作战,而是可以根据瞬息万变的战场环境,来随时调整战斗位置!【精通射程,战场无死角】:每一名仙人都有其独特的攻击射程,攻击射程不仅仅决定着能否击中目标,同时还影响着本方防御的有效性。而布阵起始时最为关键的环节,就是将本方仙人射程最大化,同时再根据仙人们各自的战斗属性来分配肉盾、奶妈、DPS的合理站位。无时无刻的策略比拼、瞬息万变的战场火拼、丰富多彩的互动交友,快来打造你的专属神话魔幻体验!"【Pocket Wukong】官方Facebook粉丝团(有超级新手礼包领哦~): Wukong 英文版链接:
掌西游 2.3.9